Malala Yousafzai, renowned for her activism in women's rights and education, recently made a surprising appearance in the hit Channel 4 comedy series, 'We Are Lady Parts,' created by Nida Manzoor. In the show's second season,...
"Oppenheimer," the gripping tale of the race to develop the atomic bomb, continues its winning streak at the Screen Actors Guild (SAG) Awards, setting the stage for a potential triumph at the Oscars. Cillian Murphy's portrayal...
According to Vogue, Mugler’s original Fall/Winter show was notable for its star-studded lineup and avant-garde use of fetishistic latex, marking a defining moment in...
Looking for a review of 'Saltburn', the latest film featuring Barry Keoghan and Jacob Elordi? Look no further! This provocative movie dives deep into...
Celebrities from all walks of life, including the worlds of fashion, entertainment, politics, and sports, descended upon New York City on Monday for the...
After making one of the most remarkable comebacks in Hollywood history, Ke Huy Quan won the Oscar for best-supporting actor in "Everything, Everywhere, All...
Deepika Padukone, a Bollywood starlet, wore a jaw-dropping outfit to the Louis Vuitton fashion show during Paris Fashion Week. The starlet gave off a...
Priyanka Chopra will be in the upcoming Russo Brothers science fiction drama series Citadel. She has a history of giving performances that people like....