On his 57th birthday, Bollywood superstar Akshay Kumar delighted fans with the exciting announcement of his next film, "Bhoot Bangla." The project marks a significant reunion with director Priyadarshan after 14 years, bringing the iconic duo...
Bollywood actress and politician Kangana Ranaut has remained defiant in the face of alleged 'death threats' following the release of the trailer for her upcoming film Emergency. In a recent interview, she vowed not to be...
Currently in Serbia, the model and actress has sparked online buzz after engaging with Instagram content related to cheating, abuse, and toxic relationships.
Natasa Stankovic,...
Financial Issues and Family Demands Strain Engagement
The early 2000s saw Bollywood abuzz with the engagement of two of its biggest stars, Abhishek Bachchan and...
Indian billionaire Mukesh Ambani's son is set to marry in a lavish ceremony this Friday, capturing attention both domestically and internationally. The Ambani family's...
The highly anticipated wedding of Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant has commenced at the World Jio Convention Centre in Mumbai, attracting well-dressed celebrities from...
The extravagant wedding celebrations of Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant included a star-studded sangeet, attended by celebrities from Bollywood to Hollywood. According to Hindustan...
Renowned Bollywood actor Manoj Bajpayee recently delved into societal issues during a candid conversation on Sushant Sinha’s podcast. Bajpayee highlighted the concerning rise in...
In a notable turn of events, Kiran Rao’s female-centric comedy, "Laapataa Ladies," has outshined the controversial drama "Animal" on Netflix, signaling a shift towards...
In an exclusive interview with Bollywood Bubble, Taha Shah Badussha, who brings the charismatic Tajdar Baloch to life in Sanjay Leela Bhansali's "Heeramandi: The...
The talk-of-the-town series, Heeramandi, has not only captivated audiences with its opulent sets and lavish costumes but has also stirred discussions around the hefty...