Actor Sonam Kapoor joined brother Arjun Kapoor and other family members in extended warm wishes to her uncle Sanjay Kapoor on his birthday. Sanjay turned a year older today and last evening, the entire family celebrated together including Arjun, Boney Kapoor and others. However, Sonam is currently in London with hubby Anand Ahuja and hence, she missed the celebration. But, the Zoya Factor actress did not forget penning a heartwarming wish with stunning photos for her ‘chachu’ on social media.
Taking to her Instagram handle, Sonam expressed that she was missing him a lot and that she is eager to spend time with him. With it, she shared two photos of her wedding reception. In one of the photos, Sonam and Sanjay could be seen shaking a leg together. In another, Sanjay was seen posing with his son Jahaan Kapoor on the red carpet of Sonam and Anand’s reception back in 2018. That wasn’t just all, Sonam went ahead and even shared a video clip from Sanjay’s most iconic song from the film Raja, Akhiyaan Milaoon Kabhi and celebrated his movies.
Sharing the same, Sonam wrote, “Such killer moves, Chachu! Happy happy birthday to you..Can’t wait to spend time with you soon. Missing you tonnes! Love you… Have an amazing day!.”
Take a look at Sonam Kapoor’s birthday wish for Sanjay Kapoor: