Khalilur Rehman Qamar, a renowned playwright, has announced the lead players in his upcoming play, Main Manto Nahi Hoon. The production team still intends to release the drama soon, despite the fact that it was placed on hold for the time being for different reasons.
There had been rumours that Mehwish Hayat and Maya Ali would be joining the cast of the production directed by Nadeem Baig, but at this time, there was no official word.
Qamar announced the star of his upcoming play during a recent visit to the Mazaaq Raat. As Saeed himself stated in an earlier interview with the Independent Urdu. He happily disclosed that Humayun Saeed had been cast in the major role.
Qamar said jokingly, “I have been told not to take Sajal Aly’s name,” to a question from the show’s host. Wasay Chaudhry, about the female protagonist, eliciting laughs from both the host and the crowd.
Saeed, made a lasting impression in the drama Mere Paas Tum Ho. He has recently shifted his attention to the film industry. Nonetheless, his admirers have been missing him on TV dramas since he has been absent. Saeed’s fans are anticipating his comeback to TV dramas with the help of his partnership with the renowned writer in Main Manto Nahi Hoon.
Even though the play has been delayed, the news of Saeed’s participation has caused quite a stir. Main Manto Nahi Hoon is being increasingly anticipated as fans await further information. The possibility of Aly’s involvement in the project increases the excitement surrounding it.