Actor Ahmed Ali Butt has spoken out against the pointless teasing and speculation surrounding purely artistic endeavors. “Fact: Pakistan has become a toxic environment where creativity is looked down upon. Where festivals are outlawed, theaters are shut down, parks are turned into plots, and agricultural fields are being sliced up into housing plans. God forbid if we see someone having fun or enjoying themselves,” he said.
We are so full of hate and envy that we celebrate someone’s misfortune. And grow jealous of others’ success,” the rapper and broadcaster complained. Everything you said is true by Ahmed Ali Butt.
While many Twitter users praised the idea as novel and entertaining, some critics said that it fostered a false sense of community. According to one Twitter user, the event was strange. It would be “odd for the person who would marry one of the participants in the future.”
Recently, students at a university in Lahore devised a plan to have all the fun of a traditional Indian wedding without any of the hassles. They staged a lavish sham wedding for two seniors. They had been cast in the roles of the bride and groom, complete with full-on bridal attire. The video of the unusual event spread like wildfire on Twitter, with many people commenting on the youngsters’ originality.
However, the group’s enjoyment of itself caused harm to several people. Some even questioned if this “fake” wedding would translate into an authentic “nikah”. Osman Khalid Butt, an actor, was the first to disprove this theory. In one of his most funny tweets, he said, “Oh my God! My apologies… The entire chronology is dominated by discussions of whether or not LUMS students are married (! There have been numerous dramas in which I have had nikah scenes. You can count on me as your pati parmeshwar (husband) from now on, ladies.
Students from the same university dressed up as their favorite Bollywood stars for “Bollywood Day” back in February.