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Right ways to maintain oily scalp during summers – Hair Care


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The summer heat and sweat are bound to make your oily scalp only worse. Here are the easiest ways to maintain it.

An oily scalp is not the easiest to maintain. The scalp gets greasy at the drop of a hat and needs constant care and attention. And summers only make this worse, making an oily scalp the easiest recipe for disaster. The oil, heat, and sweat only makes the hair look more limp and flatter, taking away the shine and making the hair look substantially unhealthy, making you look like you are having a bad hair day the entire season.
But how difficult is it really, to get the perfect voluminous locks you desire, despite having oily hair in summer? Read on to know all the ways to maintain oily scalp during summers.

Blow drying, straightening, etc., makes the hairdryer and the scalp flaky. The scalp, to compensate for all the oil lost while using heating products ends up producing excess sebum than is actually required.

Just because you have an oily scalp doesn’t mean you cannot apply oil on your hair. Instead, try hot oil therapy and use oils like avocado, olive, etc. that are extremely penetrative. While washing, ensure you wash off the oil well.

When your hair is wet, avoid pulling it. Instead, try a wide-tooth comb that makes for the most gentle way of detangling the hair without causing the hair to break.

Wash your hair less, Yes, there is always the temptation to wash your hair on a daily basis, especially during summers. But refrain from doing so for washing hair more often strips your hair of its natural oils. Instead, to dissolve the excess oil, dab a cotton ball all over your scalp to absorb it all.

Ensure you always cover your hair when you are out in the sun. This ensured your scalp is retaining some moisture and protecting it from the harsh sun rays. This is especially useful if your hair is colored.

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