Bollywood actress and politician Kangana Ranaut has remained defiant in the face of alleged ‘death threats’ following the release of the trailer for her upcoming film Emergency. In a recent interview, she vowed not to be intimidated, stating, “You cannot scare me. I will not let India’s voice be silenced, nor will I allow these threats to affect the film’s release.”
Kangana emphasized the importance of standing up for the truth and warned that yielding to such threats would embolden those who seek to suppress creativity and freedom of expression. She condemned attempts to rewrite history through intimidation and pledged that artists would not allow a repeat of past injustices.
The release of Emergency, where Kangana portrays former Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, has been delayed due to controversies. The Indian censor board has withheld the film’s certification amidst ongoing protests and calls for a boycott. Despite these challenges, the film is set to premiere on 6 September.
Indian media reports that Ranaut has been receiving death threats ever since the trailer’s launch, with several groups organizing protests to oppose the film’s release.