Contrary to reports stating Ajay Devgn will charge S S Rajamouli a huge fee for his guest appearance in Rajamouli’s RRR, Devgn is doing the needful free of fee. According to reliable sources, when Rajamouli approached Devgn for this very special cameo he offered the star the same amount being paid to Ramcharan Teja and NTR Jr for their full-fledged leads in RRR.
However, Devgn declined the offer. “Ajay didn’t want a single penny for his guest appearance. Rajamouli’s producers were even willing to pay him his full market price for the guest role. Ajay said he would rather not take any fee for this friendly appearance for a friend,” says the source.
Rajamouli and Ajay go back a long way. They met and warmed up to one another after Rajamouli’s Eega was dubbed and released in Hindi as Makkhi. Ajay loved Makkhi and wanted Rajamouli to make a Hindi film for him.