Today, Actor Harsh Nagar came to Delhi for Valentine’s Day celebration. Harsh Nagar is currently playing the role of Kartik in Kartik Purnima show on Star Bharat. The show has recently begun from January 2020. Harsh has worked in Movies like Always Kabhi Kabhi and Mujhse Friendship Karoge and also worked Akoori on Zee5. He is one of the most loved characters on TV these days.
The story of Kartik Purnima revolves around the main character Purnima. Purnima is a Savile girl. Due to her complexion, she has to face bad behavior many times but even then Purnima keeps herself happy. Karthik starts to love her after seeing this way of her. Karthik’s entire family hates Purnima, now how Purnima and Karthik be able to convince the entire family for their wedding.
Harsh told about his show Kartik Purnima, “The show will take many twists and turns as the story will unfold. We will try to show all the aspects of Kartik and Purnima’s life. Their efforts and ways to convince their parents for marriage. ”