One of the most beloved couples in town, Sidharth Malhotra and Kiara Advani, are finally getting married on February 6. They took a flight to Jaisalmer on February 4 for the wedding. The pair will celebrate with family and friends before the wedding today. Guests at the wedding, including Shahid Kapoor, Mira Rajput, and Karan Johar, were spotted leaving for Jaisalmer earlier today. The wedding venue in Jaisalmer was revealed to us in further detail before the big day. They have moved their loved ones to Suryagarh Palace.
The wedding reception site of Sidharth Malhotra and Kiara Advani
The couple will have their sangeet today. Supposedly, they will get down to their Shershaah hits. Even members of their own families will get in on the action with upbeat musical numbers. The wedding reception of Kiara and Sidharth Malhotra will feature music from DJ Ganesh. According to our insider, DJ Ganesh will be performing at both tonight’s sangeet and the after-party following the wedding. Karan Johar’s birthday party was not his first Bollywood gig; he also performed at the weddings of Ali Fazal and Richa Chadha.
Invitees to the wedding of Sidharth Malhotra and Kiara Advani include Shahid, Mira, Karan, Manish, Shabina Khan, and Isha Ambani, among others. Even Rohit Shetty and Varun Dhawan might show up for the party. The Ambani family’s bodyguards have been spotted congregating at the Jaisalmer airport. Who else from the entertainment industry will show up to the big, grand wedding?