Recently, Rakhi Sawant and the star cast of the upcoming movie Mudda 370 J & K arrived in Delhi for the promotional event. The press conference was held at Delhi Constitutional Club, New Delhi. The whole star cast along with director Rakesh Sawant ( Brother of Rakhi Sawant) was present at the event.
Mudda 370 J&K is a movie Based On 1990 Real Facts Exil Of Kashmiri Pandits..The Film Stars Hiten Tejwani, Manoj Joshi, Raj Zutshi, Zareena Wahab, P-Pankaj Dheer, Anita Raj, Mohan Kapoor, Sujata Mehta, Anjan Srivastav, Bhanwar Singh Pundir, Shahbaz Khan, Brij Gopal, Master Aayan and Rakhi Sawant.
introducing 3 new talents Anjali Pandey, Tanvi Tandon Aadita.
Present at the event, Rakhi spoke about the Bollywood films, ” Nowadays nudity has become the main grossing factor for movies. I am happy to be a part of this movie and I am doing a good role in it. “