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Malala has documented the struggle for girls’ education, but I was 16 years old and had no idea.

I had no notion when I was 16 years old: Malala's videos show the struggle to get females into school.


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Malala Yousafzai, the famous education campaigner, turned to Twitter to talk about turning 26. She was shocked at how much had changed since her historic address to the United Nations ten years ago, and she shared her amazement in a touching statement.

Malala, who recently turned 23, reminisced on her dedication to celebrating the anniversary with young women. Recalling her travels to many places and refugee camps throughout the years. She mentioned how much she was looking forward to spending the holiday with her “sisters.” In person this year, despite the fact that the epidemic had ruined her travel plans.

She thanked the wonderful individuals she’d met and the beautiful locations she’d seen on her travels. It’s hard to imagine that I’ll be 26 years old tomorrow and that it’s been a full decade since I addressed the United Nations. At 16, I had no concept of the incredible experiences that lay ahead. The incredible people I would meet, or the incredible places I would visit. The youngest person to win the Nobel Peace Prize described her as “just determined to continue her fight for girls’ education.”

Malala was planning to spend her birthday with girls all throughout the world. But the global epidemic forced her to postpone her plans. Despite having to put a hold on her in-person appearances. She has not stopped advocating for the cause, instead using online mediums. As regulations loosen, she looks forward to celebrating this milestone occasion with the women who motivate her.

And while the pandemic put a brief hold on travel, I am glad to celebrate again in person with my sisters. This year,” Malala concluded. Nothing would make me happier; therefore, I invite you to come along for the ride. And see where I end up celebrating this milestone.

The ceremonies surrounding Malala’s birthday are a reminder of her tireless pursuit of equality. Her dedication to empowering girls through education. Her activism is always incredibly motivating, and reading her tweets is a great way to be reminded of how far she’s come at such a young age.

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