Arjun Kapoor is now 38 years old, and today is his birthday. Bollywood stars like Anushka Sharma, Kareena Kapoor Khan, Kriti Sanon, Parineeti Chopra, and many more have all taken to Instagram to wish the Ishaqzaade actor a happy birthday. Arjun’s sister Anshula Kapoor and her partner Rohan Thakkar, as well as Arjun’s girlfriend Malaika Arora, were seen coming to Arjun’s home last night to celebrate his birthday. Now, Malaika has posted an Instagram message on Arjun’s birthday in which she gushes about him.
Malaika Arora’s birthday message to Arjun Kapoor, who is turning 38 today
Malaika Arora posted a slew of gorgeous photos of Arjun Kapoor on Instagram on Monday afternoon. The first one appears to be a selfie taken by Arjun somewhere in the snowy highlands. In the second photo, Arjun poses in front of a beautiful mountain range and lake. Another photo shows him strolling down the street while carrying an umbrella, and yet another shows him shirtless and pouting. Arjun strikes a suave pose in the final photo. Malaika tweeted, “Happy birthday, my sunshine, my thinker, my goofy, my shopaholic, my handsome, @arjunkapoor.” Read her latest update below!
What Anshula Kapoor wants for her brother Arjun
Meanwhile, Anshula Kapoor wished her brother Arjun Kapoor a happy birthday with a cute photo of the two of them. In a touching statement, she wished “my entire world” a happy birthday. I adore you forever and ever. @arjunkapoor. I hope that you always feel a shield of love surrounding you and that joy follows you wherever you go (even if that means placing many Farfetch orders). Everything you wish for this year and more may come true for you this year.