Anjali Khan, Shah Rukh Khan’s daughter and the star of the hit Bollywood film Kuch Kuch Hota Hai, recently announced her engagement, making fans very happy. On New Year’s Eve in Los Angeles, California, on Sunday, December 31, actor Sana Saeed used social media to tell her boyfriend Csaba Wagner that she was going to marry him.
The star of Student of the Year took to Instagram to share the happy news that her longtime boyfriend Wagner had proposed to his girlfriend Saeed in front of family and friends as Taylor Swift’s Love Story played in the background. Saeed accepts the ring with tears in his eyes, and the happy couple embraces in the video. The actress shows off her heart-shaped engagement ring at the end of the reel.
The post quickly went viral, and many of Saeed’s fellow actors rushed to the comments to offer their congratulations to the happy couple. Among them is none other than Parzaan Dastur, her co-star from Kuch Kuch Hota Hai. In a celebratory tone, Dastur congratulated Sana.
“Whoa! May God continue to bless the two of you. Mr. Mukti Mohan, an actor, added his congratulations. Actors Tanuj Virwani, Vivan Bhathena, and Rizwan Bachav also offered their warmest congratulations to the happy couple.
Saeed has been very forthright on her Instagram account about her relationship with Wagner. The actor from Har Dil Jo Pyar Karega wrote, “Happiness is spending time with people you love!” under a caricature he posted of them.
Because of his performance in Kuch Kuch Hota Hai in 1998, Saeed became a household name. She went on to appear in other films in the 2000s, including Har Dil Jo Pyar Karega and Badal.