Pathaan will feature Shah Rukh Khan, a Bollywood superstar. His next film, following the 2018’s release, is scheduled for January 2023 and is expected to ignite the box office. In the film directed by Siddharth Anand, he’ll co-star alongside Deepika Padukone and John Abraham. Besharam Rang, the film’s first single, was just released, and it’s already generating buzz. Now, Shah Rukh hosted an “Ask SRK” Twitter session on Saturday in anticipation of the release. He was seen fielding numerous questions, including one about the 2022 FIFA World Cup.
Announcing his favorite team, Shah Rukh Khan
During the Q&A, one of the attendees asked SRK who he was rooting for in today’s championship game. The French and Argentine teams will square off in this match. The tweet read, “Who are you rooting for in tomorrow’s World Cup final?” #AskSRK.” King Khan responded, “The gut says Messi, right?” Arrrrr yaar. Mbappa, however, is entertaining to watch as well.
Someone else in the crowd questioned his opinion, asking, “Why is Cristiano Ronaldo better than Messi?” To which he advised, “Just as advice, don’t keep finding better. It destroys the good!”
A fan was also overheard asking about the Pathaan premiere date. The actor SRK responded in his usual witty fashion: “Not even I have them.” Yes, the World Cup. No, #Pathan!”
It is anticipated that Shah Rukh will make an appearance during the pregame show. However, Deepika is currently in Qatar, where she will be unveiling the trophy.