When his longtime friend and fellow actor, Indian superstar Ameesha Patel, released her latest film, Gadar 2, Pakistani actor Imran Abbas publicly complimented her on her success. This touching conversation not only exemplifies their long-lasting relationship but also shows that friendship in the entertainment industry is international in scope.
Imran posted to Instagram with the caption, “So happy for you, Ameesha,” tagging the star of Gadar 2 in the caption. The profound simplicity of the message served as a backdrop for the two performers’ sincerity and friendship, which moved the audience.
Abbas, however, saying, “I am happy for her comeback since she is my very dear friend.” Because Gadar 2 is about an anti-Pakistan topic, people are taking it the wrong way and trolling me as a result.
In 2022, a video that went viral fueled speculation that Imran and Ameesha were an item. It was made obvious, however, that their friendship had its origins. In their time spent together as American college students many years earlier. Both determined to achieve their educational goals, the pair forged a friendship that has endured. When they were spotted in Bahrain together, it was clear that something special had happened between them.
Ameesha denied the relationship rumors, saying. “I read them too and had a huge laugh about it,”. This whole thing is completely absurd. My long-lost friend and I were finally going to meet together. Simply put, it was time to catch up. The Kaho Naa… Pyaar Hai star addressed the internet sensation that started it all. She shared the same clip on social media shortly afterward. The guy really digs that tune I wrote. He absolutely adores this tune. A friend recently recorded us doing something spontaneous. We thought it turned out cute, so we shared it. “It was completely unintentional,” she added.
The star of Gadar, Ek Prem Katha, went on to say, “We have known each other for many years, ever since I studied with him at a university in the United States. I have managed to keep in touch with most of my Pakistani pals, who are completely smitten with India. We have a lot more to discuss, and Imran works in the film industry there. After their initial reuniting, the stars keep on supporting one another.