Usman Mukhtar’s wife, Zunaira Inam Khan, posted on Instagram to wish her husband well in his future endeavors. Khan recently showed her enthusiasm for Mukhtar’s December 22 film Chikkar on the photo and video-sharing network.
Khan wrote: “On December 22, Jaanu’s Chikkar will be released. The film is great and thoughtful. Dalkhna na bhooliyega, dil say kaam karta. Don’t miss it—the boy works hard.”
In matching black clothing, the couple hugged candidly in the photo. Khan laughed and covered her face, while Mukhtar looked at her with love and warmth.
Khan has previously shown her love for Mukhtar on social media. Khan posted a stunning photo of the couple holding each other and looking lovingly eight weeks ago. She captioned it, “Two years to the best decision you ever made,” celebrating their love milestone.
Mukhtar called Khan “a really good friend” and discussed their chemistry and camaraderie in a recent Fuchsia Magazine interview. He advised, “Get married to the right person who can understand you.”
The couple’s passionate and complimentary social media posts reveal their wonderful relationship, which fascinates fans. Khan’s sincere support and encouragement as Mukhtar’s movie release approaches demonstrate their deep friendship and support in both personal and professional pursuits.