Malaika Arora and Arjun Kapoor have the cutest Instagrams ever. There has been no turning back for the couple since they made their relationship official on Instagram a few years ago. Malaika and Arjun’s followers go crazy over the PDA and romantic photos they share on social media. Arjun and Malaika have been sharing snapshots from their holiday in Germany ever since they left a few days ago. Now, Arjun Kapoor has posted a photo dump from his Berlin diaries with his girlfriend Malaika on Instagram, and it will give you serious travel inspiration.
Arjun Kapoor and his “love,” Malaika Arora, recently vacationed in Berlin, and we have photographs!
Arjun Kapoor uploaded several photos to Instagram on Saturday. In the first, he’s resting up against a wall that says “Berlin” in large, bold letters. The next image depicts Malaika Arora out and about in Berlin while dressed for the cold weather with a puffer jacket, tights, and boots. The following photo is an endearing selfie of Arjun and Malaika Arora, and the following one is of Malaika Arora sleeping on the flight.
Malaika Arora can be seen striking a pose on the steps against the picturesque scenery in one of the photos. The chic starlet is the epitome of chic in a white turtleneck, coordinating slacks, and a long blazer. Arjun and Malaika, both bundled up for the winter, pose for a mirror selfie in the lift. With a caption reading “Berlin with love (literally),” Arjun Kapoor travelled to Berlin.
Malaika Arora commented on Arjun Kapoor’s post with a heart emoji and a heart-eyes emoji. Arjun responded to her observation by explaining the pun in his caption. He tagged her in a tweet with the phrase “@malaikaaroraofficial, see the subtle caption.”
Aasmaan Bhardwaj’s Kuttey, in which Arjun Kapoor also starred alongside Tabu, Naseeruddin Shah, and Konkona Sensharma, was the most recent film in which he appeared on the screen. His upcoming film projects include The Lady Killer and a remake of Meri Patni Ka. Malaika Arora, meanwhile, may be heard singing “Aap Jaisa Koi” from the film An Action Hero.