An old video of actor Aayush Sharma discussing the persistent harassment of his wife, Arpita Khan Sharma, on social media is trending. Aayush Sharma made a video in which he discussed the online harassment and bullying his fat wife, Arpita Khan Sharma, receives due to her appearance. Even though the video is six months old, it has recently reappeared on Reddit and gotten a lot of attention because of his discussion of the destructive nature of social media.
The moment Aayush Sharma mentioned his fat-shamed wife, Arpita Khan Sharma
Aayush Sharma, speaking at a TEDx event last year, mentioned that Arpita Khan Sharma, his wife, is frequently mocked online for her weight. She’s always been told that, as a public figure, she should look a certain way and that she shouldn’t be so overweight. And her skin tone is dark. remarked, “Whenever her photo comes up people are eager to remind her that she is dark in hue. He continued, saying that people today are less interested in a person’s inherent attractiveness and more concerned with how they appear to others.
Aayush gushed about how happy Arpita made him since she is confident in who she is. Privately, she assures me, “I am not a celebrity, I have done nothing to be a celebrity, and I am proud of who I am. Since I will never be on camera, I might as well just be myself and live my life as I see fit, Aayush declared.
Arpita Khan Sharma, Salman Khan’s sister, married Aayush on November 18, 2014. They’ve got a boy, Ahil, who’s seven, and a daughter, Ayat, who’s three, and they couldn’t be happier.
During the weekend, Bollywood stars Salman Khan, Katrina Kaif, Kartik Aaryan, Sonakshi Sinha, Preity Zinta, and many more attended an Eid party thrown by Arpita Khan Sharma and Aayush Sharma.