In Pakistan, the excitement of cinema season typically follows Eid, not just any random Friday in August. Yet, with the release of Usman Rizvi’s directorial masterpiece Mastaani on August 23, fans are in for a treat. The film, starring Amna Ilyas as Alia and Affan Waheed as her love interest Shakeel, was highlighted on the FHM podcast as a must-watch experience for every movie lover.
Mastaani: A Perfect Mix of Fun and Insight
“This film is a delightful combination of a rom-com and a thriller that audiences will absolutely love,” said Amna Ilyas. “Mastaani is a family-friendly movie, appealing to viewers of all ages.”
Amna, deeply familiar with the script, emphasized that the film not only entertains but also educates, especially resonating with women and those aligned with Gen Z values. The movie touches on significant social issues, such as domestic violence, yet presents them in an engaging and relatable manner.
While Mastaani tackles serious themes, Amna reassured that the film remains light-hearted and humorous, avoiding any preachiness. “The family scenes are hilarious,” she added, noting the importance of delivering a meaningful message through entertainment rather than heavy-handed drama.
Amna also hinted that the character Alia, played by her, might ruffle some feathers with her unapologetic lack of political correctness, describing her as almost “jahil” by modern standards.