Bollywood actress Sushmita Sen recently made her comeback with an online web series. After a decade-long break, the actress is now making waves on the internet, courtesy her acting skills, and her on-screen style. Her looks from the show are all over the internet and you can’t miss seeing her lehenga look. For a festive look in the series, the actress mesmerized everyone with her ethnic outfit.
Sushmita was seen wearing a yellow lehenga set by Raw Mango. She paired the skirt with a silk blouse and styled it with a sheer dupatta with delicate embroidery and gota-patti border. Styled by Theia Tekchandaney, her look was accessorized with an emerald and polki diamond necklace with matching earrings from Golecha Jewels.
Going for a traditional yet modern look, Sushmita was seen wearing a borla, a Rajasthani-style maang tikka. The gold borla featured ruby and uncut diamonds. With his accessory, the actress sported super-sleek locks with a center-parting.
And, when it came to her make-up, she sported a soft glam look with smudged kohl and pink lips. Brides-to-be looking for a minimalistic look can take inspiration from Sushmita’s latest festive look.
What do you think of Sushmita’s latest look? Let us know in the comment section below.