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Losing muscle instead of fat During Weight Loss?

A good weight-loss plan supports the loss of fat, not muscle. Here are some signs to help you identify if you are losing muscle.


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Muscle mass includes the weight of muscles in your body in kilograms or pounds. Muscles play a crucial role in burning energy and losing fat. The more muscle your body builds, the more calories you will burn. When you lose muscle mass, it can have a negative effect on your strength and endurance, and mitigate functional performance.

From diet changes to strenuous workout sessions, losing weight isn’t an easy task. And the goal of weight loss is to lose fat and increase muscle. At least maintain as much muscle as possible, if not increase. But sometimes, you start losing muscle instead of losing fat, which should not be the case as it might take a toll on your overall health.

Here are some signs that you might be losing muscle mass instead of fat.

1-Do you feel sluggish doing everyday activities? Not eating properly can contribute to muscle loss, which can lead to impaired function and make you feel weary all day long.

2-You are no longer able to lift weights like you used to do earlier. In other words, your workout feels more strained than usual.

3- A quick weight loss might seem exciting, but isn’t so good for the muscles. To lose weight effectively, you have to be patient and calm to achieve desired results.

4- You don’t see any prominent changes in your weight, but your weighing scale says otherwise. When you are losing weight, but your fat percentage doesn’t budge, then that probably means that you’re losing muscle mass.

5- If you are unable to increase the weights or make any progress while working out, that could be a sign that you are losing muscle mass. There could be other factors affecting your performance, which is why you should consult a professional to be sure.

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