Glamora Entertainment, a renowned production house, is proud to announce the release of Pakistan’s groundbreaking horror comedy drama, Bhai Bhootiya. With an enticing blend of spine-chilling horror and rib-tickling comedy, this one-of-a-kind show promises to keep audiences on the edge of their seats. Prepare to embark on a thrilling and hilarious journey as Bhai Bhootiya introduces viewers to the extraordinary tale of two brothers, one of whom happens to be a ghost.
Directed by the talented M Shahzad Malik, Bhai Bhootiya boasts an exceptionally gifted cast and crew who have invested their efforts and creativity to bring this unique concept to life. The show stars the talented debutant Masham Raza, along with the renowned actors Naveed Raza and Aadi. Together, they create a captivating on-screen dynamic that is sure to leave audiences captivated.
Bhai Bhootiya is a genre-defying production that combines the best of horror and comedy, offering an unparalleled viewing experience for audiences of all ages. Glamora Entertainment has spared no expense in delivering mind-blowing production values, including cutting-edge VFX that will transport viewers into a world of supernatural wonder.
“We are thrilled to present Bhai Bhootiya, Pakistan’s first-ever horror comedy drama, to audiences worldwide,” said the spokesperson of Glamora Entertainment. “This show is a testament to our commitment to bringing innovative and engaging content to the forefront of the entertainment industry. Bhai Bhootiya is a rollercoaster ride of emotions, guaranteed to spook and entertain viewers simultaneously.”
The highly anticipated premiere of Bhai Bhootiya will take place exclusively on Glamora Entertainment’s YouTube channel. The platform provides a convenient and accessible way for viewers to join the excitement and immerse themselves in the gripping narrative. As a trailblazing venture, Glamora Entertainment aims to redefine Pakistani entertainment by embracing digital platforms and reaching a global audience.
With its unique and captivating storyline, exceptional cast, and state-of-the-art production, Bhai Bhootiya promises to be a game-changer in the world of Pakistani entertainment. Brace yourself for a spine-tingling adventure filled with laughter, frights, and unforgettable moments.
Mark your calendars and get ready to experience the thrill of Bhai Bhootiya as it debuts on Glamora Entertainment’s YouTube channel. Don’t miss out on this groundbreaking show that will keep you hooked from the first episode until the very end. Stay tuned for more updates and prepare to be spooked and entertained like never before!
Releasing Every Saturday 6pm 🦇
Cast – Naveed Raza, Mahsam Raza, Aadi Adeal Amjad, Hareem Sohail, Anaya Khan, Shaheen Khan and Faraz.
Project by – M Shahzad Malik
Written by – Shakeel Ahmed
Production – Glamora Entertainment
Powered by – The Dua Group
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