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Netflix film Maska the Japanese secret for a long and happy life


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Ikigai is a Japanese concept that means the reason for being. It makes us understand what we are meant to do in our life. And the Netflix movie Maska revolves around this concept of having a long and happy life

Maska’ is a Netflix original movie that has been written and directed by Neeraj Udhwani. The film features Prit Kamani as Parsi Irani; Manisha Koirala as his mom; Shirley Setia as Persis Mistry; Nikita Dutta and Mallika Chopra. This film shows how we cannot turn every dream of our life into reality. Because there are certain other things also associated with this dream which have to be fulfilled; that’s when you get your Ikigai. But what is Ikigai?

Ikigai is a Japanese concept which literally means ‘a reason for being’. This concept of living a happy life helps us to balance between our dreams and reality. This term has been originated from the Japanese island Okinawa. Every person in this world has a reason to live for each day and Ikigai is that reason. So, here’s how you can find your reason for being.

How does Maska show the Ikigai concept?

The name of the film Maska here refers to the recipe of Bun Maska. It’s a popular dish which Persi can only make as it’s their family legacy for their own café ‘Rustom Café’. But he doesn’t like to cook for the café as his dream is to become an actor. After having many rejections and failures in trying to be an actor, finally, he understands that his actual Ikigai is the talent of cooking the perfect Bun Maska. He has got this innate quality from his ancestors. Becoming an actor was surely is his dream but it does not cater for the other purposes of life which his cooking talent does.

How is Ikigai constructed?

It is structured with four elements:

What you love- your passion.

What does the world need- your mission.

What are you good at- your vocation.

For what you can be paid- your profession.

Discovering your Ikigai actually brings fulfilment and happiness in your life. It also makes you live longer.

How to find your Ikigai?

If you also want to find your Ikigai, then you have to ask yourself these questions:

1- What do you love?

2- What are you good at?

3- What you can be paid for now and for your future?

4- What does the world need?

Rules to follow for finding your Ikigai

At some points, you may get distracted or disturbed for not being able to find your Ikigai. And this situation may harm your mental peace. So, don’t let this thing ruin your inner peace. You need a lot of time to discover your right Ikigai, which cannot be found overnight. You have to think a lot, connect with your inner self properly to find that special thing of your life. So, you can follow these rules to be patient and find your reason for being to be happy.

1- Stay active always.

2- Opt for a slower pace of life, don’t rush.

3- Surround yourself with good people to get a positive vibe always.

4- Do some yoga or any mild exercise to stay calm.

5- Try to acknowledge the people around you.

6- Get some alone time with nature.

7- Have time for those activities which make you feel alive.

8- Don’t think too much about your past or future; just live in the moment.

Secret to Ikigai

Some Philosophers say that Ikigai is what makes you feel alive. In this case, you don’t need to think about the world that much. Because the world needs people who feel alive. Ikigai neither means avoiding new experiences nor following strict routines and taking lots of responsibilities. It means seeking for meaning and fulfilment in your daily life. So, it doesn’t revolve around your existing things. You can try new things as well and always have a curiosity for them. So, don’t stop to question yourself.

Getting the fulfilment in our life is our top priority. But people often struggle a lot to find it. They don’t understand what they are meant to do. So, they should be curious about new things and try them. Because curiosity and intuition are the two most powerful things that connect you with your Ikigai.

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