The action drama starring Divya Khosla Kumar opposite John, the makers unveil the poster today online while the film is set to release on 13th May, Eid 2021. India’s action hero John Abraham for the very first time in a double role in Milap Milan Zaveri’s Satyameva Jayate 2.
The film now will release one day early ahead of the Eid 2021 clash with Salman Khan’s Radhe – Your Most Wanted Bhai. “This EID it’s SATYA vs JAY as LADENGE iss SAAL, Dono BHARAT MAA KE LAAL! #SatyamevaJayate2 releasing this EID on 13th May 2021,” wrote John on twitter.
This EID it’s SATYA vs JAY as LADENGE iss SAAL, Dono BHARAT MAA KE LAAL! #SatyamevaJayate2 releasing this EID on 13th May 2021
⁰@iamDivyaKhosla @gautamikapoor1 @Shaadrandhawa @Sahilwalavaid @soniiannup #MilapZaveri— John Abraham (@TheJohnAbraham) March 17, 2021
Satyameva Jayate 2 is produced by Bhushan Kumar, Krishan Kumar’s T-Series and Monisha Advani, Madhu Bhojwani and Nikkhil Advani’s Emmay Entertainment.