
The Red Bull Golden Letters Tekken 7 LAN Tournament features Arslan Ash and Anakin.

By Sajjad Ahmed

March 25, 2022

Red Bull Golden Letters, a two-day Tekken 7 LAN competition, has been announced. The company’s Red Bull Gaming Sphere in London will host the one-of-a-kind LAN tournament involving some of the finest players in the game.

Red Bull Gaming Sphere will host a new event on March 26 and 27 that will include some of the biggest names in gaming, including Arslan Ash and Anakin Skywalker. Attendees at this tournament will get to witness their favorite players face off against each other in person.

In addition to a new structure, the event will place more emphasis on the quality of plays than on the final score. ‘Perfect’ and ‘Great’ plays are categorized as such.

For ‘Faultless’ and ‘Great’ scores – Tekken’s famed ‘Golden Letters’ – the Red Bull Golden Letters competition offers a unique style that emphasizes perfect performance and calm under duress. Players who earn three “Perfect” or “Great” scores in the “First to Three” fights are guaranteed to win the whole set.

Gamers that take risks for rewards in Golden Letters will be rewarded with memorable matches and situations.

introducing Red Bull Golden Letters… the Tekken tournament like no other ⚡️

the aim: get those golden letters – ✨PERFECT✨ or 💥GREAT💥

if you think you can hang with the world’s best, including @ArslanAsh95 & @tk_anakin, sign up below 👇@LenovoLegionUKI

— Red Bull UK (@RedBullUK) March 9, 2022

Red Bull Golden Letters: Anakin and Arslan to compete.

There will be several famous names competing in the LAN tournament, such as Arslan Ash and Anakin. The event also includes a ‘Beat the Pro’ competition where they will face off against a number of other competitors. This year’s Red Bull Golden Letters is a chance for the top UK Tekken players to show what they’ve got.

The final match will be a 5-on-5 exhibition match between Europe and the rest of the world. Arslan Ash and Anakin will be competing in this match. The remaining participants will be revealed at a later time by the organizers.

Open registration is available for the game, which will be televised live on Twitch as well.