The short film Family director Prasoon Pandey revealed that while Abhishek Bachchan helped Amitabh Bachchan shoot his portion of the film, Ranbir Kapoor and...
Actress and YouTube sensation Yashma Gill has released a song to raise awareness about the coronavirus pandemic as the country imposes new restrictions to...
The multifaceted artist, Zoya Nasir, who rose to mainstream notoriety last year after her performance in the critically acclaimed Hania, has now launched her...
Dynamite actress and YouTube sensation Yashma Gill, who is currently garnering praises for her performance in Pyar Ke Sadqay, recently did a stunning photoshoot...
Shahid Kapoor confessed he misses working with his Vivaah co-star Amrita Rao. The actor also shared his biggest takeaway from his character in Haider.